4th Stamp Issue 2019 of Philately Liechtenstein on 11 and 14 November 2019


 Artistic Photography: Ice

Three special stamps with detailed motifs depicting ice scenes are the latest addition to the “Artistic Photography” stamp series. Photographer Sepp Köppel took the macro photos “Ice Flow” (face value: CHF 1.00), “Stone Islands” (face value: CHF 1.10) and “Streamlines” (face value: CHF 1.30) on the River Rhine. The photographs did not undergo any processing afterwards, the photographer merely defined a section of the image on the computer. By selecting a particular section, his images show the viewer details that he or she would scarcely notice with the naked eye. High-relief embossing and thermography used to apply pulverised stones from the river to the stamps give them a unique character and a very special grainy feel.


Four secular and Christian motifs adorn this year’s self-adhesive special stamps for the Christmas season. The “Snowman” (face value: CHF 0.85) symbolises winter and the wish for a white Christmas. This hope is also kept alive in numerous Christmas carols. The “Rocking Horse” (face value: CHF 1.50) also plays a role in many Christmas poems and songs and symbolises unfulfilled wishes.

The “Nutcracker” (face value: CHF 1.00) originates in Germany and was taken back home as a souvenir by many American soldiers in the post-war era. It is a well-known fact that “Angels” (face value: CHF 2.00) play an important role as heavenly messengers in the biblical Christmas story.

Chinese Signs of the Zodiac: Rat

This year the Philately is adding its ninth motif to its elaborately designed series on Chinese Signs of the Zodiac. The upcoming Chinese Year runs from 25 January 2020 to 11 February 2021 and is reigned by the rat. The rat is the first sign in the Chinese zodiac. According to the Chinese horoscope, people born in the Year of the Rat have a quick mind, are curious and search high and low for lucrative opportunities. For the “Year of the Rat” (face value: CHF 2.00), the Philately is once again publishing a self-adhesive special stamp in the form of a filigree silhouette cut using the latest laser technology.

Diversity – Joint Issue with Switzerland

The friendly neighbour relations with Switzerland are once again a good reason for publishing a joint issue. The two special stamps are the result of a competition between the two postal operators, which three designers from Switzerland and three from Liechtenstein were invited to enter, with “Social Diversity” being defined as the multifaceted theme. Samuel Jordi from Zurich (CH) uses a digital illustration to depict a wide variety of life situations with his winning design “Puzzle of Society” (face value: CHF 0.85). The drawing “Throng” (face value: CHF 1.00) by Luigi Olivadotti from Mauren (FL) shows a colourful collection of cheerful people. Both motifs convey a positive image and are characterised by tolerance, openness and modernity.

The new special stamps will appear on 11 November 2019, the joint issue with Switzerland on 14 November 2019. www.philatelie.li


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