Floats last out in Åland series of franking labels


2 February sees the third and last part of the 3-year series of franking labels from Åland Post featuring Beach finds. The 2017 series feature cork floats.

Since 2015, Åland photographer Tiina Tahvanainen has illustrated various types of beach finds as motifs for the Åland frama labels. The 2015 series featured bird feathers, whereas the second part issued in February 2016 illustrated a message in a bottle. Featuring an old fishnet with cork floats, the third and last part of the current frama series Beach finds appears on 2 February 2017.                                                                                                               

Åland offers good fishing opportunities, the most common species of fish being perch, pike, zander, salmon and whitefish. A permit from the water owner is required for all types of fishing in Åland. Sport fishing tourists must buy a fishing permit for specific waters valid for fishing with rod, jig and angle.

Date of issue: 2 February 2017
Photographer:Tiina Tahvanainen
Denomination of series: €0.90; 1.00; 1.10; 1.40                 
Price FDC: €5.10
Size: 40.00 x 30.34 mm
Paper: Fluorescens 100 g/m2
Printing method:5-colour offset
Printing house: The Lowe Martin Group

To order, please visit the Åland Post web shop at http://www.posten.ax/webshop/en 


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