Historic mail ships to feature on Jersey stamps

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A set of six stamps featuring ships spanning Jersey’s mail ship history will be issued by Jersey Post on 7 April as part of the 2020 Europa stamp issue, Ancient Postal Routes. Illustrated by renowned stamp engraver Martin Mörck, the set includes two Europa stamps.

Each year, European postal administrations are given a stamp issue title to interpret and illustrate by PostEurop, the trade association that has been representing European postal operators since 1993. The aim of the joint stamp issue is to build awareness of each other’s culture and history, with Europa stamps eagerly sought by collectors around the world. Ancient Postal Routes is the title for 2020.

Martin Mörck comments: “To be asked by Jersey Post to develop a set of stamps reflecting the history of Jersey’s mail ships warmed my heart. Besides being an artist, I am also a trained boat builder and nautical history nerd with a big library, so this is a subject I’m very passionate about. I wanted to create a set of stamps in the style of engravings, reflective of marine paintings from each of the periods represented in the set. With the help of research from my friends at Jersey Post, I was able to come up with a suitable concept and I’m very proud of the result.”

A Norwegian artist and engraver, Martin Mörck has more than 40 years’ experience in stamp design and engraving, banknote engraving, portrait drawing and engraving, illustration and watercolour / acrylic painting. He is also an avid sailor and ship-builder.

Featured across the six stamps are: the Rover, the Atalanta (I), the Cygnus, the Lydia, the Isle of Jersey and the Caesarea (III). The two Europa stamps featuring the Cygnus and the Isle of Jersey have also been presented together in a Souvenir Miniature Sheet.

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Jersey Post’s Mail Ships stamps will be available to buy from all branches of Jersey Post from 7 April 2020, whilst philatelic stamp products such as Souvenir Miniature Sheets, First Day Covers and Presentation Packs will be available from the Jersey post offices at Broad Street, St Helier and Rue Des Pres, St Saviour on issue day. All items can be ordered now at www.jerseystamps.com or by telephoning the Jersey Philatelic Bureau on: 00 44 (0)1534 616717.


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