MaltaPost commemorates 2014 FIFA World Cup™

DetailedMaltaPost issued a miniature sheet bearing two postage stamps to mark the 2014 FIFA World Cup™.

The stamps carry a face value of €0.59 and €1.55 and respectively depict the official emblem and mascot of the event. The design of the emblem is based on the idea of three victorious hands together raising the FIFA World Cup™ trophy. Brazil’s official mascot is Fuleco™, an armadillo known to defend itself from predators by rolling up into a ball. The name is a portmanteau of the words “Futebol” (“Football”) and “Ecologia” (“Ecology”).

The miniature sheet, designed by MaltaPost’s Graphic Designer Sean Cini measures 120mm x 86mm and bears the Maltese Crosses watermark. Each stamp measures 35mm x 35mm with a perforation of 13.75 x 13.75 (comb.). Printex Limited printed it in offset and the issue consists of 50,000 miniature sheets.

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